Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Prom Dress, Another Dollar

The other day I "pre-ran" a thrift store. Blue tags were 50% off. That usually means that on Monday, blue tags are $1.

I didnt see much that interested me except for a Nehru jacket that I don't actually know if it was cut for a man or a woman. Obviously, I don't care; it fit well.

I lost my wallet the other day, so no ID, no debit card and no access to the $2 or so in it. I was out near the thrift store on Monday which is also near a bank that knows me by sight. I went in and they did remember me, and were willing to help me check my balance and get some cash. After checking the balance, I really didn't want to admit to them that I did want the $3.28 in there to go buy a new wardrobe, so I just left.

Combing through the car I found two quarters. four dimes, one nickel and a dozen pennies! I went to the thrift store and to my dismay it was green tags for a dollar. Trying to make the best of it I confirmed the Nehru was still there but at $14.99 that was a little out of my budget. I cruised the "better quality" racks looking for green. Very little there that wasn't obvious why someone would have passed on it. Then, The DRESS...

Size eight, strapless so my big bony shoulders don;t have to fight the dress size. Black, satin, cute buttons on the back and a white inset in a back pleat that Pepe le Pew would love.

I brought it home, took off my t-shirt and left my jeans and cowboy boots on under as I cooked lunch for Dee. She came home to a gender-fucked husband and a nice vegetable sautée with roast beef.

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