Sunday, December 16, 2007

Big Brother in Heels.

The boy came into our room and without pre-amble grabbed a pair of heels from the closet door. This time, apparently in a more conservative mood, got a pair that actually WAS my wife's. He usually prefers mine as they are a little more camp.

He slung a long Tigger-like toy around his neck like a mink stole. He attached anther stuffed animal to his forehead using a large rubber band. He clomped and posed and generally had fun.

He was trying to attract the attention of the toddler. My wife asked him if he is playing the sister or is he just the big brother in heels? Without hesitation he said, the big brother in heels. Its just fun, as it should be.

He is so getting his own pair of heels for Christmas. We already bought them on dollar day, they are tiny like size 5 probably, but with a 3-4 inch heel. So that they are available but not obvious they are going to be tucked into a dress-up box we have been working on including a nice waiters jacket, a gangster suit, and various hats, Halloween masks, and just maybe a ball gown..:)

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