Friday, July 27, 2007

Thoughts en femme.

I have been putting off dressing for a while because now that I have dressed in full, under-dressing (the wearing of feminine items under male clothes) just doesn't have much appeal. I find myself reaching for the old and familiar male all cotton underthings.

I was remarking to Dee that although I have been blogging up a storm since none of it seems to pertain to crossdressing it seemed a little odd to maintain the blog as it is. Dee has a for public consumption blog and a wife of a crossdresser blog. It almost would make sense for me to have a second blog for non-cd related thoughts and experiences.

I was trying to think back to the last time I had dressed really and realized that really every day I do in small ways. I'll put on a pair of knee-highs if I think I might be out near a shoe store (whtether I end up going or not. I wear my girl jeans regularly. I attend to various grooming issues related to maintaining the ability to cross over if I have the chance such as Veet and sunscreen on my farmer's tan. I have had my nails done for the last three weeks, currently in a translucent pink but in the sun or bright lights it does have little sparklies.

While musing about this, Dee points out that the polo I am wearing is in fact hers. If not for subtle differences in cut and the buttons the "wrong" way it isn't noticeable.

One of my favorite things with the blog is to look at the site meter statistics. Its fun to see where visitors come from, how long they stay, how they got here.

My favorite lately was a vistor from The Netherlands. Specifically, Gelderland. Could it be Sir Ullric? ~sings~ He's drunk, he's pissed, he'll see you in the mist.......Gelderland, Gelderland, Gelderland....


Jessica Olin said...

You also have one regular visitor from northern New England. ;)

Dee Talbot said... polo. I actually bought that with you in mind. Not to wear, but you always appreciate blue. Little did I know how much you REALLY appreciated it.