Over the years I have enjoyed getting into my right brain and into the kitchen, well, after. I have had some of my most creative ideas when I still have those endorphins coursing through the synapses. The way it works, if sleepy potion doesn't get me first, is I look at available apparently unrelated ingredients in the fridge and pantry and free-associate.
One of my best was my C
horizo salad. I had ground beef which isn't even in
traditional Chorizo.
There are certain
ingredients that I keep on hand always usually with a back-up bottle. One of those is a Thai chili-garlic sauce called
Siracha. I was aiming towards what the kids call egg and hamburger. It is a simple dish of browned beef (
tradition would be pork) that you add S
iracha and soy sauce then an egg or two at the end. Asians that make something similar add sugar, bean thread noodles and the egg is kind of a binder added at the end but not cooked through the way I do.
Chorizo Salad started because I started the meat for an egg and hamburger that I was going to do something mildly creative like say egg and hamburger
tostadas, or egg and hamburger and cream cheese pinwheels or, well ,you get the idea, I was just leaving the station with a direction but not yet a destination. As I started the hamburger, then
rummaged around for the
Siracha and found it out, and no back-up bottle. I started by adding:
chili powder,cumingarlic powder to the browning
ground beef and found I had
cilantro. (
coriander leaves - fresh, minced.)I added that and the taste leaned
Chorizo but not quite the right bite, not sour enough. As I finished it off, I
deglazed with
plain white vinegar and voila! I had
Chorizo (sort of). I was thinking burrito, but the tortillas were a bit stale for rolling so I had a synaptic flash and decided to cut them into 2 inch strips and then into slivers which I then fried, and salted with a basic season salt. The fridge yielded up some:
bib lettuce. torn
cucumber diced, found some more fresh
cilantro minced fine
ed Bermuda onion, sliced paper thin. I plated it up as a house style salad on a dinner plate and then sprinkled on the still warm Chorizo, the tortilla crisps, and drizzled over the top
Kraft brand Light Done RightCucumber Ranch DressingWhen I was young and very thin and considered by some effeminate looking I would get so mad when people would make comments about me looking anorexic. I thought at the time (wrongly) that anorexia was a diet gone awry and that girls (the most commonly seen sufferer) who had it kind of chose to starve themselves to be thinner. I didn't want to be thinner and would at times eat quite a bit and cared not at all about the calorie count of things. As an aside in therapy years later when I had finally at least gotten up to the weight of a slender man, I realized that the disorder (at least for me) is about not caring enough to feed oneself consistently. I realized that I am more likely to cook and eat well if I have someone to cook for. To this day I find that I tend to not worry about presentation if I am cooking for myself because I can see in my minds eye how it should be plated and well, I am just going to eat it. This is wrong thinking because food should please all the senses including the eye.
Dee and I have different requirements for dieting. She does best if she keeps her fat content low or non-existent, I do best on a modified Atkins style low carbohydrate diet. It seems not to matter to me when I eat as long as the cumulative count is right, she does better if she eats early and fasts through the snacking hours. As a result we have held off on the post-coital snack tradition, and if I do go downstairs for a snack, I cant bring myself to put a lot of effort and I don't usually snack wisely either.
Tonight after a particularly mutually satisfying time together, I mentioned that I missed making us our little snacks. Since it was already 2:00am, Dee agreed to 'start' her day then with a weigh-in and if she liked the results we'd snack on something healthy. She was so pleased stepping on the scale to find a new low for her as her 25th lb had gone.
Getting to work, I sliced some day-old crusty
French bread, spraying both sides with butter-flavored Pam and topped with:
Tomatoes, sliced thin and sprinkled with
Greek Seasoning.
Mozzarella, (fake fat-free, but not bad)
I placed on a fairly high rack in the toaster oven and toasted till top was just starting to brown and the bottom crispy.
Poured a saucer of
Balsamic Vinegar (
My new favorite thing)
for dipping.
Served with "dove for" fruit truly ripe peach, nectarine, plum. grapes and a pear.
I dipped my pear in the Balsamic also, heavenly.