Friday, November 14, 2008

Playing Barbies...

After the initial shock of learning that hubby is a transvestite, my wife started helping out with primping sessions. When she would purse her lips and lean in close as she applied some eye shadow, or sensually traced on some lip liner I could see her as a little girl playing with one of those Barbie heads.

These dress-up sessions, often after a whirlwind of thrifting, were referred to as "Playing Barbies."

We haven't really had the time or the privacy lately. We used to worry not at all about the baby, but now that she's terribly two and talking it seemed a little discretion is called for.

Today my wife brought out a package of glue on toe-nail tips and asked "Wanna play?"

I readily agreed. Not much of a sacrifice on my part holding my feet out for pampering as I blurfed the web.

Thrilled with the results I of course wanted pictures.

This was the best result.

It's good to be Barbie.