Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What my "Male Side" finds sexy versus my "Femme Side's" tastes.

Someone on the forum posed the question:

"Why do so many TVs insist on showing stocking tops and suspenders in their pictures? How often do you see real girls flashing upper thighs unless they are on the game on a street corner?"

My response was:

"We often mistake the quick accidental flash of just a hint of the stretching of a stocking that suggests that a women is wearing a garter belt, with the pure fantasy that she showed us the tops of both stockings.

This is a purely male construction. It is fed by the male posed, male photographed "gentleman's" art that is of course designed for its consumers, horny men.

Less (er well maybe more actually) is definitely sexier on many levels, but that doesn't stop some from taking the quick jump from the suggestive to the bawdy.

In context though, such posing by TV's for other TV's and their male admirer's is in and of itself a perfectly valid niche er "art form". But no, lesbian or even the bi-curious woman, would look at such a photo and say, mmm, give me a piece of that.

(hmmm of course why does my wife salivate at the shirtless Beckham?...things to ponder...)"

In real life, on exactly one occasion, I caught such a glimpse.

No, not of Beckham's abs. The distended ripple of stocking as it was tugged upward by an unseen suspender. The woman was tastefully attired in a business suit and unadorned heels. I first noticed as she arranged herself into her car after work. I was awestruck at the sight and stood in reverent silence for probably too long after she modestly slid her legs into the car and shut the door. On the bawdier side, Dee used to delight in my pleasurable discomfiture at knowing that under her modest office attire was something designed by Frederick himself. Possibly in or near Hollywood. She used to delight in tormenting me with the snap of a garter strap through the fabric.

Once the girls who worked near her were passing around fashion circulars. The one getting the most comments was the Victoria's Secret mailing. At one point several were crowded around it commenting on some of the racier items and men's fascinations with them. Her attractive and none-too-prudish supervisor commented, "Can you imagine a woman actually wearing a thing like that?" pointing out a sexy black merry-widow. Dee laughed inside and quietly snapped her garter strap.

My closeted femme side mostly had access to, and experience with intimate apparel. This is probably common to many beginning CD's. I thought initially of sexy playboy poses when I thought of Barbara's potential appeal. Now that I have expanded her wardrobe to outerwear it is interesting to see how pretty I feel in more modest apparel. This holds true even as my dieting figure makes baring more certainly achievable.

I'm thinking I need to do more sit-ups both to make sure Beckham - the ultimate soccer mom fantasy date - does not steal Dee away, but also to flatten the tummy for borrowing back a merry-widow sometime.

1 comment:

Pretty Sissy Dani said...

I think the answer to all this is that, CD or not, we're still male...and males are aroused by the things we WANT to see, even if we're wearing them.

Why do so many CDs of a certain age prefer stockings and garters to pantyhose anyway? Because those were the "sexy" things of our youth. I know for myself that, while pantyhose came into fashion in my teen years, my taste in what I wanted to wear myself was fixed somewhat earlier.

Besides...it's so much easier to get at the "good parts" with stockings and garters.