Monday, August 25, 2008

Manly Depilacion

Many crossdressers have a strong desire to denude their bodies of hair as we associate furry with not looking feminine. Most of us are to a greater or lesser extent closeted and worry that the absence of hair will make us look too "femme" and people will KNOW.

On crossdresser forums the subject comes up many times, such as, "If I shave, how quick will it go back to "normal" and will anybody notice in the meanwhile?

The answers of course are , "much sooner than you want" as any born woman could tell you, and "nobody notices."

For example I shaved my arms a month ago on a whim, and oddly the next day a guy did notice and asked me, "Did you shave your arms?" (He is remarkably nearsighted so things in his close field of vision are blown up high res for him.) I did the smart thing without thinking about it and just said "Yes, I did." and remarked on his uncanny vision.

He said, "I did that once and couldn't stand it, because it got so itchy as it started to grow back."

We worry for nothing. He is neither gay, nor (I assume) a crossdresser.

Last night the the equipment I was assigned to operate had Sirius (which is a rarity). Actual working Sirius (even rarer still) . Rarest of rare was that for some reason this one didn't have "objectionbal" channels blocked.

So I had blue comedy, sexy smut, and some things of interest to trannies, i.e. Cosmo, and the GLBT channel. (although typically we are thrown in there as an after thought initial and only mentioned in passing and then only gay drag performers.

So I listened anyway.

On a gay radio program with a gay male host and a female lesbian host, they went to commercial and a female voice came on advertising the latest and greatest in male hair removal grooming aids. They extolled its many virtues including how "girls shouldn't have all the cool gadgets for hair removal" and that this one had rugged manly styling of its case.

Keep in mind they are advertising this to gay guys (who really actually for the most part have no interest in looking femme or those that do.) Why then, does the stereo-type of fem guy equals gay guy persist?

I was laughing out loud as I sat, a rugged heterosexual in an immense piece of equipment 24 feet off the ground, wearing girls "boy-cut" jeans covering my partially smooth legs. I had just that morning before I went to bed started the arduous process of self-waxing.

I have never known a woman to go through the pain and awkward gyrations involved with self-inflicted leg waxing, but the box seemed to imply they do.

Would it work better if they had some well-muscled gay dude on the box?


Pretty Sissy Dani said...

I was blessed with a relatively hair-free body, but I do get the hair off my legs when I'm going to dress. Last week, I used Veet on my legs and I absolutely love how smooth they look and feel.

No, my wife hasn't noticed at all.

SheenV said...

I had a dream last night that I was trying to shave my legs, but there was no water in the sink or bath tub to do so. Anyway, I am envious of the folks who have very little arm and leg hair. If I were a body builder or swimmer, hairlessness would be much more acceptable.