Friday, February 29, 2008

Fleeting Moments of Duality.

I am finally home for my week off and can be who I want to be. I had the idea I might swing more femme in my time off, but it doesn't seem to be something I can predict.

While I was being a manly man as an operator of heavy equipment I had my moments this past week. It of course isn't actually a man's job anymore. In fact, about 1/3 or so of the operators are women, and not at all women that would fit the stereotype of what a woman in a "man's" profession would look like. I was backing my 400 ton behemoth next to another operator's behemoth. Looking over we met eyes because of course one doesn't want to meld the two machines into one 5 million dollar 800 ton sculpture. I blushed a little after I realized that Barbara had given her a fairly femme wave which was cheerfully returned.

On another occasion I was listening to the radio. There are only three stations that even sort of reach the remote location. One country, one classic rock and one that features 70's 80's and 90's music. I was listening to the mix station when apparently they were in 70's mode and I found myself grooving to disco. I was thinking of the alternative club that Dee and I have been thinking of and for some reason it seemed the very music that I imagined they would play. My male side would have had no interest whatsoever in the music. Barbara was tossing her auburn mane around to the music, oblivious to the fact that I am actually shaved bald and wearing a hard hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting post. It's fascinating how you have two sides and how different things bring those sides out.