Saturday, October 25, 2008

I got used to loaning out clothes....

...sort of. I mean Dee has shopped wiht me most of the time and there are clearly things that are 'hers' or 'mine' or 'ours'. The problem is I apparently like to shop more than I like to dress so she has taken a certain license in 'borrowing' about anything that catches her fancy.

In truth, I kind of get a kick out of seeing Barbara's clothes out in public on her.

Not so much on my teenage daughter. Erp??!???!

She has long stolen mom's clothes.

The other night she decided she needed some nail polish in a subtle hue and took mine! I couldn't well loudly lambaste her for taking it without so much as a "by your leave?"

Today I happen to be wearing a blue and white striped (male) pole shirt, and I look down and see that she is wearing my blue and white striped, kitten heeled, strappy mules. Her feet, typically filthy, are leaving dark, ugly impressions on my shoes.

I'm going to need a locking wardrobe, apparently.


Cate said...

My children do the same thing - I hate that 'what's yours is mine' attitude. They are too young to steal clothes but anything on my plate, in my purse, etc. is free pickings for them so I fully expect they will raid my closet when the time comes.

A lock sounds like a great idea!

Cate xxx

Barbara_Talbot said...

it's getting tougher to keep her out, my wife's post-pregnant-weit-loss success has even shrunck her show size down to a 7...the girl's is 7.5, so anything she views as "too big" (read "tranny size!") she feels (understandably is fair game.

yep they'll be in your closet..regardless of gender possibly! The boy (9) loves to clomp around in what he thinks is "mom's" heels.He usually also go strait for the tranny or her bedroom only shoes..go falling from the tree and all that!